Wednesday, 29 April 2009
I have been living in my own little world with the rules I forced myself to follow. I set myself with expectations, the do's and don'ts that I should follow in dealing with some of my problems. Sometimes I feel like I am going to break. I'm tired of all my convictions and my lies.
Just now, in the midst of the rain, I found some clarity towards my gloomy, dark and twisty soul. It seems like unresolved issues in my life are not as confusing as they once were and I think I am finally getting a grip on what I want. Or maybe at least I know the things I don't want.
Somehow, things like this scares me. I don't know how long such peacefulness will last. Life seems to be poking joke on us.
Last few days, when I was reading the play "A Streetcar Named Desire," I felt like I was Blanche Dubois living and thriving on past issues. The only difference was, people felt pitiful for Tennessee Williams' character but I made myself looked pitiful for myself. What a shame...
Hopefully this clarity would not be hazed by my emotional upheaval anytime soon.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Nothing Profound
Something is bothering me. It keeps bugging me when I am reading a few lines from my notes. I shake the thought off for awhile and it keeps coming back till the point that it haunts me in my dream. My shoulders are tensed!!! How I wish someone could just come up to me and offer me a 5-minute massage :)
It's Sunday and Sundays are supposed to be great. But here I am feeling tired all the way from top to toe. I am determined to change my day though. So, I began my day with a cup of coffee, tied my hair like a messy China doll and went down to the hall to get myself breakfast. To hell with what people will say about my messy Malaysian China doll look!!! It's exam week, so people will tend to ease their tension by doing something crazy.
I haven't been shaping my eyebrows for 3 weeks and it's growing like weeds. Seems like personal grooming hasn't been part of my life for this few weeks cuz I am lazy or am I just too hardworking to be hooked on Facebook? I don't know. Maybe I'll groom myself today by getting rid of those cacti from my legs, I'll shape my eyebrows, I'll go to Rheita's room and borrow that headphone so I'll get to watch Dr.Faustus and The Importance of Being Earnest before my exam on 2/5/09. If I am extra hardworking, maybe I'll finish finding the answer for the 1st and 2nd questions for Teaching Drama.
I am setting my expectations low.
And this one is just another random post cuz I just feel like updating. Yeah, it's nothing profound.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Unusual Encounter In The Morning
For these two days, I change the way I lead my life. I walk around in the residential college in the morning to feel the morning sun and the cooling breeze after a long night of study, I go to the library for my revision and also to chance on great looking guys from the Middle East, I study at the intellectual square between the guys' dorm, I enjoy the night scenery with some food outside my room, etc etc. Those are the little things I have changed so far and it is enough to keep me happy. I guess I am a girl with little things to ask for.
This morning was different from all the other mornings I am blessed to experienced. Things go like this if you put 2 people like Li Chin and RJ around.
RJ(♂) says:
morning gal..
SmoothTan says:
morning gal
RJ(♂) says:
both works fine for me..
SmoothTan says: come?
RJ(♂) says:
i'm a guy tat appeared a gal..
RJ(♂) says:
u hv problem wif tat?
SmoothTan says:
RJ(♂) says:
RJ(♂) says:
SmoothTan says:
so...having sleeping prob again???
SmoothTan says:
midnite now?
RJ(♂) says:
RJ(♂) says:
just starting to study..
SmoothTan says:
SmoothTan says:
exam tomoro?
RJ(♂) says:
RJ(♂) says:
u hv a problem wif that?
SmoothTan says:
erm...u hv a prob with dat ques?
SmoothTan says:
u've asked me twice
RJ(♂) says:
RJ(♂) says:
indeed u hv a problem wif that?
SmoothTan says:
SmoothTan says:
u hv a prob with me nt having prob with dat?
RJ(♂) says:
obviously i'm a man wif no problem wif anything.
SmoothTan says:
SmoothTan says:
nice to hear dat
RJ(♂) says:
r u?
RJ(♂) says:
i dun think so..
SmoothTan says:
RJ(♂) says:
cos ur exclaimation shows d opposite..
SmoothTan says:'s just the way u read it
SmoothTan says:
try reading it in another way
RJ(♂) says:
either way pointin d same direction..
SmoothTan says:
nice to hear DAT
SmoothTan says:
more sarcastic
SmoothTan says:
NICE to hear dat
SmoothTan says:
okay wat
RJ(♂) says:
obviously...either one of us is off d frequency...
RJ(♂) says:
wat r u talking about again?
SmoothTan says:
RJ(♂) says:
RJ(♂) says:
i was talking about ur "wow"...
SmoothTan says:
yeah wow cuz i dun study at midnite
RJ(♂) says:
and only ppl that hv problem about wat i'm doin says wow...
SmoothTan says:
i must admit dat many of us are nocturnal human beings
RJ(♂) says:
RJ(♂) says:
it doesn't matter..
RJ(♂) says:
d person that hv d most bucks counts...=D
SmoothTan says:
yeah cuz dat's the measure of achievement...
SmoothTan says:
ppl dun measure ur achiement with paper qualification but with the type of house u own, the gal u hv, the money in ur wallet, the phone u r using n so on
SmoothTan says:
RJ(♂) says:
SmoothTan says:
RJ(♂) says:
i won't change ur mind if u think so..
SmoothTan says:
it's the fact
RJ(♂) says:
SmoothTan says:
money is the measure of achievement
RJ(♂) says:
RJ(♂) says:
i respectfully disagree...
SmoothTan says:
okay rebut
RJ(♂) says:
ppl that achieve self-actualization...
RJ(♂) says:
money doesn't matter anymore..
RJ(♂) says:
that's why money isn't d top of maslow hierarchy..
RJ(♂) says:
SmoothTan says:
wow you impressed me
SmoothTan says:
MASLOW hierrachy
RJ(♂) says:
money can only satisfy d 2 lower level of maslow hierarchy of needs..
SmoothTan says:
RJ(♂) says:
money can buy u food, sex, clothes, roof on ur head and etc...
RJ(♂) says:
but money can't buy self-esteem...
RJ(♂) says:
nor self actualization..
SmoothTan says:
SmoothTan says:
u should join debate
SmoothTan says:
RJ(♂) says:
whoever is still struggling to work for money...they r still struggling wif first 2 level of needs...
RJ(♂) says:
those work is working wat they wan...they will hv certain self-esteem..
SmoothTan says:
yeah our parents
RJ(♂) says:
that money can no longer buy them over..
RJ(♂) says:
but when they achieved's just like dream come true...
SmoothTan says:
SmoothTan says:
RJ(♂) says:
not many will b there....but v shouldn't b discouraged...
RJ(♂) says:
that where v should aim...
RJ(♂) says:
but if v give up our dream just for money...i
RJ(♂) says:
i'll say that...that's really pathetic..
SmoothTan says:
i think money helps to ease ur way to ur dream
SmoothTan says:
when ppl's needs are met only then they can achieve self-actualization
SmoothTan says:
because not many ppl actually achieve self-actualization, not many ppl can really measure from the view that self-actualization is the measure of achievement in human life
SmoothTan says:
when ppl's needs have been met, that is when they can pursue their desire and their dream
RJ(♂) says:
that's d second argument i was about to say..
RJ(♂) says:
den how to measure a person's achievement wif money?
RJ(♂) says:
d person earning most bucks means they r just d best slave around...
SmoothTan says:
money buys u food
SmoothTan says:
without money u'll be worrying ur wits off
SmoothTan says:
aftertat u won't get good sleep
RJ(♂) says:
if eating alot of food is wat u like n wat u do best....i guess...yeah..
RJ(♂) says:
that's goot..
RJ(♂) says:
SmoothTan says:
when u can't get gd sleep that affects ur hormone secretion
SmoothTan says:
when hormone is imbalanced the whole body goes haywire
SmoothTan says:
that's when problem comes in when u r sick
SmoothTan says:
so money is needed to buy u psychological needs
SmoothTan says:
it helps you to own a house
SmoothTan says:
giving safety to ur family
RJ(♂) says:
money satisfy d lower part of d hierarchy...
SmoothTan says:
RJ(♂) says:
a successful person is d person either after self-actualization or already hv it..
SmoothTan says:
it helps to fulfill ur basic needs only then you can proceed to another level in MASLOW hierrachy of needs.
RJ(♂) says:
not by measure of number is zeros in his account.
RJ(♂) says:
though, number of zeros comes together when he achieved his dreams..
SmoothTan says:
so i think this thing goes hand in hand
SmoothTan says:
money helps
RJ(♂) says:
depends on what u r after..
SmoothTan says:
but u hv to earn it earnestly or else ppl will shun u off
RJ(♂) says:
michael jordan dun need hell lot of cash..
RJ(♂) says:
SmoothTan says:
cuz he has hell lots of cash
SmoothTan says:
his basic needs r met
RJ(♂) says:
but he dun need hell lot of casg to b there.
RJ(♂) says:
all u need is passion n desire...d real passion n desire in u that will bring u to self-actualization...not money....
SmoothTan says:
passion n desire also bring u to money
SmoothTan says:
it helps you to work for long hours
RJ(♂) says:
but not money bring u passion n desire...
SmoothTan says:
in the end...u'll get money
SmoothTan says:
with money u can do whatever u want
RJ(♂) says:
in processs of fulfilling...d money just comes along though u dun need them..
SmoothTan says:
it helps to achieve passion n desire
RJ(♂) says:
it's not earning money just to do watever u want...
SmoothTan says:
history has it in abundance that people got irritated when one race was earning much more than the others.
RJ(♂) says:
jealousy is another element of human being...
SmoothTan says:
jealousy bcuz of money?
RJ(♂) says:
u do best when u r doing the things u hv passion of...
RJ(♂) says:
and process of doing wat u do best...u make ur bucks..
SmoothTan says:
not good = lil money
SmoothTan says:
best = lotsa money
SmoothTan says:
dat's what drives ppl to be the best
RJ(♂) says:
but doin wat u do best is wat u want to do...u no need money to do watever u want...cos u already doing wat u want..
SmoothTan says:
i need money to do watever i want
RJ(♂) says:
how to do best if ur heart is thinking of doin some other thing u want?
SmoothTan says:
i want to travel the world
RJ(♂) says:
that's very very very wrong...
RJ(♂) says:
it's a sad case where ppl fall for this..
SmoothTan says:
without money i can't travel the world
RJ(♂) says:
believing only money can allow them to do wat they want to do..
SmoothTan says:
it depends on the things u want to do
RJ(♂) says:
u say u wanna travel d world...but do u hv any idea of travelling?
SmoothTan says:
dun say i dun hv the idea
RJ(♂) says:
stepping into ppls land is NOT travelling..
SmoothTan says:
i wanted to bring my mom along cuz she works hard enough for me
SmoothTan says:
dat's y i want to earn more money
SmoothTan says:
so that i can give her a good life
SmoothTan says:
i already met all her needs
SmoothTan says:
i didn't bcome bad
SmoothTan says:
n struggle to be in U
SmoothTan says:
so when i go out
SmoothTan says:
i wana make bucks
SmoothTan says:
to give her the better quality of life
SmoothTan says:
cuz of all her hard work
SmoothTan says:
i've seen the cases of my frens...they got their years in U entended bcuz they need the PTPTN money to help the family
SmoothTan says:
sad cases
SmoothTan says:
if u can make money...u can help the world
RJ(♂) says:
it's all about money huh?
RJ(♂) says:
i guess i hv been living a world of ideal..
SmoothTan says:
u hv ur own view
SmoothTan says:
i hv mine
RJ(♂) says:
it's pretty idealistic to me now..
RJ(♂) says:
i guess i'm lucky..
SmoothTan says:
u can't say ppl dat goes all out for money r in sad business
SmoothTan says:
bcuz it's not
RJ(♂) says:
but i believe money is roots of all evil..
SmoothTan says: depends on ur beliefs
SmoothTan says:
i bliv money can help
RJ(♂) says:
that's why i say i won't change ur mind.
RJ(♂) says:
probably...if u spend so much effort to get money.
RJ(♂) says:
i dun think u r going to give them away easily..
SmoothTan says:
i give them...
SmoothTan says:
i do my charity
SmoothTan says:
i gv rm5
RJ(♂) says:
SmoothTan says:
bcuz dat's only wat i can give
SmoothTan says:
this month
SmoothTan says:
cuz mother's day is around the corner
SmoothTan says:
my mom's birthday is in june
SmoothTan says:
there r 3 schools of thoughts about money- it brings evil, it brings good and it brings neither good or bad
SmoothTan says:
the question is how u earn it n how u spend it
RJ(♂) says:
money is something i won't waste time on looking..
RJ(♂) says:
i'll look for something more important..
SmoothTan says:
SmoothTan says:
cuz money can never b enough huh?
SmoothTan says:
u r right too
SmoothTan says:
so depends on wat u wana achieve
RJ(♂) says:
money will just comes along.
RJ(♂) says:
i won't spend time bothering about it.
SmoothTan says:
SmoothTan says:
u give me a nice debate this morning
SmoothTan says:
shud have met a fren like u earlier!!!
SmoothTan says:
maybe i can make it into the debate team
SmoothTan says:
RJ(♂) says:
u can't?
I wonder whether I can get another round of debate with him or not to prepare me for my Proficiency test tomorrow. It would be hell lot of fun and practice.
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Li Chin on Hairstyles and Her Tooth.
Give me an opinion here okay? Which one is better?
The kind of hairstyle I am having now.


So, this summarizes the hairstyle of mine on normal, boring days when I am going for lectures, tutorials, when I am in my residential college and so on. It's the lazy look without much styling.
The kind of hairstyle I have when I have the mood to look good.


Curly Hair

Straightened Hair

