It's not like we are afraid to move on because we are already used to the good old times. It's more like the emotional thing is getting the best of us. Or maybe love is playing a game on us or maybe on me.
I am determined to forget all about him, to bury the past deep under the ground and never dig it out again. To no avail i failed cuz things like the car plat number like 9686 makes me think of him. If there's a car with plat number 9696 and another car with plate number 8686, I'll tend to cut it out like the nuclease enzyme and glue it to become 9686. You might feel like I'm useless, that's alright because I feel the same too.
I used to wonder what he is doing and always question myself did he ever thought of me. I can use all my day to day dream about this guy. I'm a pisces so day dreaming is my thing.
I feel that he is not that significant to me anymore and that I can really forget him. This was how I felt this morning. I walked into my room this morning and saw by the corner there the candy he sent me some time in July. It's already more than a year now and it has ants all over it and I've to throw it away.
I always feel that the candy symbolizes something. By throwing it away means I am giving my life a fresh start and not to think of him again. I'm throwing my feelings away. And it all ends here.
I just want to say, I am still reading your blog... lol...
Happy holiday!
I’m having a small issue I can’t get my reader to pickup your rss feed, I’m using google reader by the way.
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